Cosmic Spoon - ramblings of a modern day psychic

Friday, March 19, 2010

Remote viewing - When will someone lead?

This week I left my membership to IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association) behind with the announcement to the admin that I would not be renewing the $50 fee.

Nearly two years ago after a long time watching IRVA from the outside I decided to try to participate from the inside to see if this could bring some much needed enthusiasm to the field of remote viewing - after all you have to be in it to win it - or so I hear.

Once inside these enclaves it soon became clear that this was another organisation like many others that really did nothing with the talented and enthusiastic people who work and run at the grass roots levels of the field. That the main aim of the organisation had become lost over time and now its only real aim was to keep itself alive, like a dying man hooked up to a tank of oxygen, one more breath, one more breath...

Time after time in forum discussions I saw talented and dedicated remote viewers who cried out for projects, full of ideas for expansion and modernisation beaten down with demoralised attitudes and excuses of money, time and resources.

So after nearly two years I would not renew - we are in financial turmoil across the globe and I couldn't justify $50 membership fee on a randomly produced black and white newsletter containing reviews of old remote viewing books and conference highlights where people talked anout the so called glory days of remote viewing in the 1970s.

I get around within Remote viewing community and will work with anyone who works properly and who will share and over the years I've discussed and met with many remote viewers, many of which cry out for and want leadership, want a direction to follow, want help and companionship on the learning journey that is remote viewing - the question is, if IRVA cant do this then who will.

Its a crying shame really because like we have all seen on report cards from teachers in our deep pasts there is the writing 'could do better' scrawled across the history of the organisation.

I guess time will tell.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eight Martinis - FREE Remote Viewing magazine - Issue2

Well its finally here.

Issue 2 July 2009 - available Now!

This issue also comes in a full color printed on demand version. You only pay for a personal copy to be printed (we make no profit) and for it to be delivered to the United States, Canada and the U.K. only. By credit card or paypal.

Issue: 2 contains the following articles:
  • p-Teleportation
  • CRV: Identifying accuracy during a session
  • Remote Viewing from the Perspective of “Embodied Mind” Part 2
  • The Missing - Remote Viewers and law enforcement working together
  • Ethics in C/RV - part2
  • A Neuropsychological approach to the study of Psi
  • Do you know RV? - Crossword - answers
  • Arson - psychic manhunt for an arsonist
  • Remote viewing outcomes for fun & profit
  • Remote Viewing websites & blogs

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Remote Influencing Experiment

Remote Influencing trials.

As the first in a series of remote influencing experiments on UKRV we aim to trial I tried to remote influence an REG (random event generator) based a few hundred miles away from me.

For this first attempt I attempted to use three differing psychic methods each lasting for 20 minutes within the space of a hours work.

The REG machine compiles a report of the activity (see image) When working normally the line will go up and down generally in the middle of the page/graph - above and below the centre line in between the curved marker

Mine has the good effect outside the curve near the beginning then generally just stays high and increases high - The best effect though was near the beginning showing a small time of remote influencing on the machine

I think to be honest trying three completely different psychic methods was too much in such a short time space and watching the clock for the 20 minute time zones didn’t help my focus, but its all experimental and this will be adjusted.

The first 20 minutes was using a deep mediation and a technique discarnate entities taught me about moving part of myself to different places other than me - this worked the best it seems.

The second 20 minutes I went straight into a frontloaded remote viewing of the machine and tried to describe/sketch its internal components.

The third 20 minutes I went straight into Qui Gong deep breathing exercises - building my energy and trying to push/transfer this towards the machine.

We have much more work to be done and ideas for trial and potential uses so watch this space over the coming months.

All the best...

Daz Smith

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